Home Remedies

Natural Remedies






A Quick Guide to Healthy Food Choices

Nowadays we have access to everything. In fact, we can eat almost anything at any time, but does this mean we are eating better? Let´s look at some facts. In the United States:

- Nearly 38% of adults are obese (1)
- 9,3% of the population has diabetes (2)
- About 29% of adults have high blood pressure (3)
- The No. 1 cause of death for both men and women is heart disease (4)
- 1 in every 20 deaths is caused by stroke (5)

This data reflects not only the way people eat, of course, but also other factors such as lifestyle. However, food plays a very important role. Besides being part of our daily life, we need to eat in order to survive.

If we want to eat healthier options, going to the supermarket can be quite a challenging experience. Why? Because everything that is not good for us seems to be more appealing either by the way it looks or how the package looks (this is marketing at its best). As the saying goes, "don´t judge a book by its cover." So what can you do?

1. Choose Local
If you are looking for fresh fruits and vegetables, then buy local products. By doing this you will be also helping the farmers in your area as well as the environment! Besides this, instead of going to the freezer section to find meat or fish, try to go more often to the fish market or to the butcher shop.

2. Choose Organic
Do you really want to pay for food that was grown using chemical fertilizers and pesticides or for GMO food? Or would you rather pay for quality? This is what happens when you choose organic: it is an investment in your health and well-being. Organic produce might not be so appealing because of its size and shape, but after you taste it you will not want anything else!

3. Choose Seasonal
Nature is so wise. It gives us what our body needs according to the season. For example, have you ever noticed that there is always more fruit available during summer time? Fruit hydrates us and has also a cooling effect on our body, perfect for that time of the year!

4. Choose Whole
Whole grains are slow-absorption carbohydrates and nutritionally more complete (6). Most people, however, eat refined carbohydrates. But did you know that white flour acidifies the body, taking away minerals (7)? Furthermore, food with a high glycemic value (e.g., refined flour products and also sugar), can act as opium does in our brains, which is why for some people it can be addictive, according to research conducted by Dr. Kathleen DesMaisons, specialist in nutrition and addiction (8).

5. Choose without Sugar
When I use the term "sugar" I mean sucrose that enters very quickly in the bloodstream, disturbing the sugar levels in the blood. In the long term, refined sugar increases fatigue and steals from the body minerals and B complex vitamins (7). But, of course, everybody loves eating a sweet thing! Fruit can be one of the best options available, but if you are looking for a sugar substitute you have, for example, honey and coconut sugar.

6. Choose Unprocessed
I know packaged food offers convenience, but next time you buy it please read the label. Do you understand the ingredients or are they too hard to spell? Rule of thumb: if you can´t spell them, then put the package back on the supermarket shelf. Besides this, keep in mind that the less ingredients a product has, the better.

7. Choose Diversity
Eating a bit of everything is probably the best option if you want to have a balanced diet. However, it is important to take into account certain factors such as the season we are in, as I have written above, and our personal characteristics like age, sex, lifestyle and what our organism reacts to certain foods, so listen to your body!

Next time you go to the supermarket think about the options available. You have the power to decide the best for you, so choose wisely.

(1) Flegal K.M., Kruszon-Moran D., Carroll M.D., et al. Trends in obesity among adults in the United States, 2005 to 2014. JAMA, 315(21): 284-2291, 2016 (accessed October 2016).
(2) American Diabetes Association. Statistics about Diabetes. In American Diabetes Association, 2016 (accessed October 2016).
(3) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. High Blood Pressure Facts. In Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015 (accessed October 2016).
(4) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Heart Disease Facts. In Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015 (accessed October 2016).
(5) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Stroke Facts. In Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015 (accessed October 2016).
(6) Varatojo, Francisco. Foods also Cure. Lisboa: A Esfera dos Livros, 2015.
(7) Pope, Alexandra. The Wild Genie: The healing power of menstruation. Bedfordshire: Authors OnLine, 2001, ed. 2014.
(8) Northrup, Christiane. Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom: Creating physical and emotional health and healing. Rio de Mouro: Círculo de Leitores, 1994, ed. 2009, transl.

Most of us have no idea how our daily choices are impacting our health and well-being.

In my book "Back to Natural" you will learn how to:
-Protect yourself from chemicals that are common in the food you eat and the products you use
- Plan your life according to the phase of your menstrual cycle
- Recognize the possible side effects of the pill and a natural alternative
- Find in nature solutions to common health problems
- Feel less stress and anxiety with a simple, cost-free technique
- And much more!


The Hidden Benefits of Castor Oil

In recent years, there have been rumours as to its ability to prevent greying hair, reduce arthritis symptoms and boost immunity - so it seems there is no ailment this natural ingredient cannot cure.

It is stable oil, making it great for use in cosmetics as it last for years without turning rancid. It has excellent moisturising properties due to its high fat content, which is absorbed into the skin very slowly, creating long-lasting shine and moisture.

For reasons widely unknown, the substance has been used for many centuries to induce labour in pregnant mothers. These days, however, it is not recommended that the substance be ingested due to its unpleasant side effects such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. For this reason, it is often used in folk medicine as a natural laxative to treat chronic constipation.

In some cases, it has actually been known to cause foetal complications in pregnant women, so it's best avoided as an induction technique. If you're not pregnant, however, the ingredient can be used as an effective stomach cleanser when mixed with milk. Rumour has it than when combined with orange juice, castor oil can also be a great hangover cure.

However, it does have a variety of other uses, all of which are incredibly beneficial to the body, skin and hair. It is regularly used in massage blends to treat the whole body due to its slow absorption. It also draws in dirt, so it is ideal for cleaning or cleansing products.

Its sticky consistency means that is provides hair, nails and skin with a beautiful shine. It is ideal when combined with sweet almond extract, apricot kernels or jojoba. These combinations can help revive tired skin or hair and even reduce eye bags. It can also be used in rejuvenating face masks with ingredients such as camelina, avocado or moringa.

It can also dramatically reduce pigmentation marks or spots on the skin's surface and improve the overall quality of the skin. You'll need to mix 90ml of it with 8g melted beeswax, 1ml Vitamin E and 25 drops of lemon essence. These ingredients can be found in most health food stores or through an online specialist in natural cosmetic ingredients.

To create your own Castor Cleanser for use at the end of a long day, you'll need to combine 60ml of organic castor oil with 29ml of apricot kernel, 10ml of jojiba, 1ml of Vitamin E and a small amount (0.5ml) or any other essence of your choosing. This last step is optional, but can provide the cream with a nice scent - for example, lavender or chamomile.

Alternatively, if you intend to use your product for massage purposes, you can create a moisturising Swedish Massage Blend by combining 30ml of castor oil with 29ml of jojoba; 20ml of olive oil; 10g of coconut butter; 0.5ml vitamin E and 10ml of thistle.

Castor oil is incredibly thick, sticky and resistant, so it should only be used in very small quantities. If in doubt, find a natural ingredient supplier online and ask them which concentration you should use it in for your chosen homemade product.

If you're keen to reap the benefits of this natural ingredient, there are plenty of online recipes that will also offer instruction and guidance.

Aromantic is a leading UK-based provider of natural cosmetic and beauty product ingredients. The company provides 100% organic, natural ingredients, recipes and courses to customers, allowing them to make their own beauty products. Aromantic provide over 700 high-quality ingredients, ecological packaging and equipment to enable individuals or business owners to create their environmentally responsible and nourishing skin, hair and makeup products. Their natural, active ingredients will produce incredible results in hair, skin and body care and are suitable for all skin types and conditions. The company is also a renowned stockist of high quality essential oils, natural perfume concentrates, natural fats and waxes for the body. They can provide starter packs, educational materials and courses for both professionals and beginners. Visit: http://aromantic.co.uk/


Choose Coconut Oil to Boost Your Immune System

You may have noticed that a short while ago a certain product was reported to be unhealthy for humans, and then a few years later new research proves that in fact the product offers health benefits. Chocolate was 'bad' for you and now it is a good source of antioxidants, so long as you avoid products high in sugar. Sometimes, the change in posture reflects real scientific discovery, and sometimes it is simply the result of misunderstanding or miscommunication. Over the last decade or two, not too many products have experienced the degree of change in public support that coconut oil has.

Coconut oil was listed as a dangerous high saturated fat at a time when the food industry was attempting to convince the world that margarine was a healthier alternative to butter. To be clear, the oil from the coconut that is partially hydrogenated may contain high levels of trans fats that are known to be harmful to human health. Similarly, highly refined oil may be created because of potentially harmful chemical applications to extract the oil from the coconut flesh. The magic, however, lies in the unrefined or virgin coconut oil that is extracted via cold press or other techniques without the use of chemicals or high temperatures that damage the oils.

Virgin coconut oil contains high levels of medium chain triglycerides (MCT) rather than long chain fatty acids common in other plant oils. MCTs are not easily absorbed and stored as fat on our bodies. Medium chain fatty acids differ from long chain fatty acids in one crucial area; they do not contribute to high cholesterol levels or heart disease. In fact, MCTs may help to lower the risk of heart disease and atherosclerosis. Most long-chain fatty acids, including the soy-based oil that is popular in many processed foods, contribute to lowering good cholesterol (HDL) and raising bad cholesterol (LDL).

The inability of our bodies to absorb MCTs makes the oil a good choice for supporting weight loss and improving body mass by losing more fat than muscle tissue. MCTs also help to improve glucose tolerance, which helps to balance insulin action and reduces the risk of type II diabetes. Coconut oil also tends to supply a slightly lower number of calories per ounce than most other oils. Virgin oil is rich in polyphenol and tocopherol antioxidants, which have been shown to reduce oxidative stress on body tissue in laboratory animals.

When shopping for coconut oil, look for unrefined or extra virgin oils. Avoid partially hydrogenated oils for cooking and make sure you look carefully at the labels of packaged foods for products containing these harmful oils. The oil can be a great substitute for butter or other oils used in cooking. The taste of some foods will be enhanced with the sweet flavor of coconut and may take a little getting used to. Stews, curries, salads and baked cookies will all benefit from the addition of the oil. Have fun with it as you discover the magic from the coconut.

Patrick is a coach, speaker, and trainer to individuals and business leaders. He helps leaders to achieve success by clarifying their vision, strategic plans, leadership, change management, brand and marketing strategy. He helps individuals to remove self-limiting beliefs and fears that prevent them from acting on their goals and dreams. 615-261-8585 http://www.patrickgsmyth.com

Don't Panic, It's Only Panic!

Imagine driving down the road one day with your window down. You're enjoying a nice breeze and the radio is on. The songs aren't your favorite, but you like them because you know all of the words to almost all of them. Feeling happy and carefree.

Then it stops. Everything just stops.

All of the sudden you can't breathe. You're choking! Why are you choking? There is nothing to choke on! Maybe something else is happening. Maybe you're having some kind of allergic reaction! To what, though? There's nothing to be allergic to. Now your skin feels weird. One second you can't feel anything, and then the next it almost feels like your skin is about to burn off. Something is wrong! Your heart! Your heart is beating so hard! It feels like it's about to pound out of your chest. You have to find a way to pull over because you're having a heart attack.

Scared! No, not scared.


Slam on brakes! skid to a stop! Say your prayers!...

This is just one of the many many situations I've been through in my lifetime. I suffer from a severe case of Panic Disorder. It was brought on by Obsessive Compulsive Disorder which I was diagnosed with when I was about 12 years old. You think when you're a child that things will get better when you're an adult. You think that adults are invincible and when you finally are one that everything will be OK. In truth my condition would yo-yo a bit. But the older I got the worse I got. I had a few good teenage years where it wasn't so bad and I could go out and have a little fun.

Oddly enough, the OCD is under control. It's the panic that eats me alive now.

The kind of OCD that I have is mostly obsessive; meaning that I don't feel the compulsions like most people do. I would think of something and dwell on it. I would become obsessed with it. Like, when west nile was a thing, I was terrified to go outside. I wouldn't go outside. There was no way that you were going to make me go outside.

Most people thought it was funny or silly. I felt humiliated and helpless. That's just one tiny example out of the 34 years I've been alive.

I have a hard time eating from a fresh loaf of bread because there is no safety seal. The same with certain ice cream brands. You cannot pay me to eat it. I simply will not. There are very few people who can invite me to dinner because I will not eat just anyone's cooking. When new pills are prescribed to me it takes me such a long time to get up the guts to take it. I'm afraid of taking medications because the thought of ingesting something that I cannot get out of my body is terrifying. I'm scared of Novocaine. I'm scared of hair dye because, even though I dyed my hair many times when I was younger, I may develop an allergic reaction and die. These are all things that I am scared of NOW. Which is so wonderful in comparison to the things that I used to be afraid of.

The worst part of all of it is that as soon as it hits you, you are completely and utterly alone. There is no one in the world that can help you. There is nothing that can make it better.

No one can ever understand what you're going through. In order for them to understand it they have to experience it; and you don't want anyone to experience it. You don't want your worst enemy to have to face something like this.

There are a few things that ease the symptoms, though. A rubber band on my wrist. It kinda snaps your brain out of it for a while. I used to have big swollen welts on my wrist and a pocket full of broken rubber bands. Then I would use cold. A really cold air conditioner. Ice. Going outside in the winter. It would make me so cold that all I could think about was the cold.

None of these coping mechanisms work anymore. The rubber band doesn't help me. It doesn't phase me a bit. The cold just makes me... well... cold.

When I was younger I made the very wrong assumption that people were generally "good" and would understand that I had some issues that maybe needed a little more attention. Well maybe not attention so much as a little more exception.

It turns out that people just suck. Because of their past experiences a LOT of people, including my now ex-husband, thought that I was faking it (he doesn't think that anymore, BTW). But, you can't fake terror. I even have some people that I guess I am technically related to that also do not believe me. Which is fine because, in all honesty, they have their own problems.

Something that you MUST realize if you love someone with this disorder is that they do not want attention for it. They do not want to be known for it. They do not want that to be what defines them. They just want you to acknowledge and accept it.

The people that believed that I really had a problem just felt helpless. How do you comfort your daughter who is crying in a corner in her room because she's afraid to walk out of the door? How do you tell her it's going to be OK when you don't even really know what the hell is going on? Believe me, though, even when you don't understand what's going on with someone who is suffering from something invisible, the fact that you stay there, no matter what, matters.

I was told many times by people to just stop. Just get over it. I know that they weren't aware of how inconsiderate and ignorant their words were. However, after a couple years I just learned to keep my mouth shut. I didn't mention anything about the Panic Disorder unless there was some kind of pressing reason. I knew what people would think of me. I knew the things they would say when they thought I couldn't hear them. So I just didn't say anything. I have so many friends, even now, that I've never mentioned it to. Until right now.

I honestly feel like there is a monster inside of me (mostly metaphorical, 'cept when I'm having my monthly, then it's literal). When the panic attacks were controlling me, there was nothing I could do. There was nothing that could be said. There was nowhere safe. So that's what happened to my life.

Everything became nothing. I had people who loved me but I couldn't go places with them. Because this monster would pull me back. It would remind me that it was there and that if I went somewhere that it was going to get me. Worse, it was going to get me in front of everyone. They would see.

I turned into a recluse. I couldn't be left home alone and I couldn't go anywhere alone. I would have to have a "babysitter" if anyone went anywhere. My family would cater to this because they had no idea what else to do. Mostly because I wouldn't let them out of my sight.


I knew I was a burden. The ones that loved me always told me that it wasn't true. But when your best friend has to change the day that she goes grocery shopping to better suit your phobia, you're being a burden.

Situations like this will show you who your real friends are. They are the ones that are there when the dust finally clears.

I was having 4 - 10 panic attacks a day. It was exhausting. Even now, I have high levels of anxiety and I'm always hyper aware of everything which seriously takes a toll on my daily stamina.

During my years of depression I had a few relationships. Because I needed to be medicated, I needed insurance. Because I needed insurance, I needed to apply for disability. For some reason there are these human men (and women) that are called "losers". These "losers" like to find women that are insecure and live off of them. Unfortunately for them, it didn't take long for me to catch on. I might have been insecure but I wasn't stupid.

But being in more than a few bad relationships did convince me that I was always going to be alone. Who would love someone that can't even stay home alone for 10 minutes? How could I ask someone to love someone like me? I'd given up. I was 32 and I didn't care anymore. I was just going to exist until I didn't have to anymore.

Skipping all of the lovey dovey stuff, I met someone who loves, believes, and supports me to no end. He has children. I now have a family. I have a reason to be better.

I wanted to be better for the first time in a long time. The monster in me was not expecting this because she'd won so long ago. I started researching coping mechanisms again. Then I realized that coping with something isn't really dealing with it. I don't want to cope with this monster! I want to kick her in the face! I need her to back off! I needed my life back!

So I started to research how others had overcome their Panic Disorder. How did they get their power back? What did they do?

I started seeing the BEST therapist. The first one that told me what was going on was OK. It was just my body doing what it's supposed to do, it was just doing it for no reason. Or the wrong reasons. He assured me that a panic attack cannot kill you. And it can't. It's almost like your brain has a short. The wiring is broken. That is NOT your fault. You can't help how you're made. I've learned not to fight it.

Don't fight your panic attacks! Yes, you read that right! I am no doctor. I haven't a degree in anything. I just know this from experience. Do not try to stop the panic. Accept that it's going to happen. Accept that it's happening. Then, know that it's not going to last.

I've found that when I tell the panic attack to "bring it on!" that it's less severe and it doesn't last as long. Every time you do this, you get a little bit of your power back. A little bit of who you really are comes back.

I am still working on it. I am not functioning like a normal human being by any standards. I am, however, staying home alone now. I can drive a couple miles down the road for things that I may need. I can take my kids (my new family) places. I can take care of them. I am getting my life back. I wish it was a faster process but my progress is unbelievable! I am so proud of me!

Below is a link to some helpful websites that may be able to help those who suffer from Panic Disorder, and those supporting sufferers, to get a better understanding of the whole process and learn to face it! It's such a wonderful feeling!

Seven Hidden Health Benefits of a Lemon

Ancient Egyptians consumed many lemons, as they believed that lemon juice protected them from a variety of diseases and poisons. The latest scientific findings have confirmed this belief. Indeed, lemons have numerous health benefits, the most illustrious of which are strong antibacterial and immune-boosting properties. However, this little yellow fruit can do much more than just protect your body from infections. Here are 7 hidden health benefits of a lemon that I bet you have not heard about.

1. Cures Acne

As most citrus fruits, lemons are rich in vitamin C which is known for its amazing antibacterial properties. Thus, it can kill a number of bacteria, including those that cause acne. The citric acid contained in lemons can help get rid of acne scars. The easiest way to get rid of acne is to apply fresh lemon juice on the affected skin area and leave it overnight.

2. Removes Anxiety and Fatigue

Lemon balm is proven to have an excellent calming effect. Numerous researches show that it can remove anxiety, fatigue, dizziness, nervousness and a number of other unpleasant emotional states. When used as a room freshener, it can boost employees' efficiency.

3. Heals Canker Sore

Strong antiviral and antibacterial properties of a lemon juice hasten canker sore healing process. Rinse your mouth with a mixture of a freshly squeezed juice of one lemon and a glass of warm water and you will soon forget about cankers.

4. Cures Calluses and Corns

Lemon is an effective remedy for corns and calluses. To get rid of callused skin, apply lemon poultices on the affected area. Just put a slice of lemon on a callus or corn, fasten it with a bandage and leave overnight. Repeat the procedure until you get the desired result.

5. Removes Eczema Symptoms

Lemons help get rid of several skin diseases, like eczema. To make a healing poultice, mix one cup of 
warm mater, eight drops of essential lemon oil and one tablespoon of honey. Soak a bandage in this mixture and apply it on the affected area for fifteen minutes, 2-3 times a day. Such poultice will ease the infection and itching.

6. Eliminates Halitosis

Unpleasant breath odour caused by insufficient salvation, consumption of certain foods (garlic, onion or other spices), cigarettes or alcohol can be easily removed with the help of a lemon juice. To freshen your breath, just rinse the mouth with a mixture of freshly quizzed lemon juice and warm water or chew a small lemon slice.

7. Improves Digestion

Lemon acid improves stomach muscles activity and stimulates the production of stomach acid. Thus, if you want to improve your digestion, make it a rule to drink lemon water after each meal.

Lemon juice is widely used in medicine, commercial and home-made cosmetics. If you want to find comprehensive information on how to use lemon juice for acne [http://www.lemon-info.net/lemon_juice/lemon_juice_for_acne.php], visit our website. You will also benefit from studying information about lemon diet [http://www.lemon-info.net/general/lemon_diet.php].

Benefits of Home Health Care

Some patients with an illness or injury do not wish to receive assistance from caregivers in a professional setting. In contrast, these people wish to have practitioners visit them at their residences instead. Explore some of the benefits of home health care to determine whether this service fits your needs and budget.

Personalized Service

When caregivers come to a patient in the home, this assistance is typically more personalized and specialized to meet the unique needs of the patient. People usually receive a higher quality of service delivered in a more compassionate manner. It's common for relationships to develop between the patient and the staff members who visit regularly.


Receiving visits from staff members in a residence is usually more convenient for both patients and families. Leaving the home to visit a facility will no longer be necessary because practitioners will come to the residence at times that fit the individual's schedule. This convenience can be particularly helpful during times of inclement weather when a patient should not venture outdoors due to cold, heat, or storms.

Help for Family Members

Family members caring for a sick or injured loved one usually experience significant time constraints because of this work. Hiring a company for home health care can reduce this burden for family members. The assistance provided can give family members more freedom to manage their own personal duties. With the reduced responsibility, families often begin to have more quality time with the person because they no longer become stressed over care duties. Family members often appreciate knowing that their loved one is receiving high-quality and professional care, which can lessen personal anxiety.

Promotes Healing

When people receive home health care, they may recover more quickly. In addition, people may receive dangerous exposure to germs and infections when visiting clinics and hospitals. The ability to have assistance at home can eliminate this exposure and promote faster healing. Many people even experience a reduced number of re-hospitalizations under this type of regimen.


Inpatient care can be expensive for a family. The cost of leaving the home for ongoing outpatient appointments can also be expensive. In contrast, having a professional come to a residence is often more affordable.

Other Services

Shopping, running errands, and meal preparation are typical types of assistance that you might add to a package. Some assistants will also perform laundry and light cleaning work around the house. Inquire about personal care such as bathing, hair washing, and dressing.

Before making a final decision about home health care, perform a complete background inquiry for a company. After researching a company thoroughly, you should be ready to move forward with a contract.

When considering home health care, Southern Alabama residents visit Mercy Medical. Learn more at http://mercymedical.com/.

How to Boost Your Energy Easily and Naturally

Despite all these healthy options, it is almost too easy to rely on sugar and caffeine to boost us when we are feeling down or lethargic. Instead, here are some healthier energy booster ways which will sustain better energy levels over the long term as well as in the short term. Furthermore, these will improve overall health rather than providing a quick fix which can be instead detrimental to health.

The first recommended natural energy booster is getting more sleep. This can seem a very difficult thing to do when we are excessively busy, but this does not stop it from being one of the healthiest habits that you can get into that will not only give you greater mental and physical energy, but will also help heal your tired body.

The body repairs and restores itself at night, and sleep is also necessary for our minds to process what we have been doing throughout the day. Therefore, a good, long sleep every night will leave us brighter, less stressed, and with our body performing at its best.

Of course, this can be difficult to achieve if we have very busy, demanding lives. For this reason, it is necessary to put in place several small practices which can boost the quality and length of your sleep. 

This can include setting a strict curfew every night, using essential oils such as lavender on your pillow, or having a warm, relaxing shower every night before bed.

These steps you take to relax, wind down and be in bed by the right time every night will help you sleep better, even if initially these will take some getting used to. It is said that, it takes twenty-one days to form a habit, so commit to a better sleep routine for this length of time and see how your energy levels and life quality can change.

Our next recommendation is using herbal and mineral drinks as a regular energy booster on a daily basis. There are several excellent herbal remedies on the market nowadays in drink form, all of which contain unique ingredient lists of herbs and minerals that have been used for centuries to improve health.

Some of these ingredients - such as iron and magnesium - actively will boost your energy levels, and with other herbs will work to boost your overall health. As mentioned above, better overall health can make you feel a million dollars and generally have much higher energy levels.

If you want to do something good for your health and have more energy, try a herbal supplement drink, preferably with added minerals such as iron or magnesium, which humans can tend to become deficient in. Replace one of your daily coffees or colas with this and your body will reap the health benefits.

Lastly, cut down on unhealthy energy boosters which will give you energy in the short term but will cause you to crash afterwards and put you in an unhealthy cycle of ups and downs. These include endless teas, coffees and sugary and high carb snacks to keep you going.

It is often impossible to give these up completely, and many enjoy one or two of these as a treat every day. However, ensure that you do not rely on them, instead replacing most of them with healthy options such as a herbal energy booster and fresh fruit, and put in place a healthier sleep routine to make you feel brighter and in better health overall.

Matol Km® is a natural combination of minerals and extracts of 13 unique botanicals that fills the vital dietary gaps in the modern diet. Matol Km is also a reliable source of recommended daily minerals, in particular potassium, iron, and iodine. Potassium is one of the minerals vital to human cells' permeability and their inherent ability to absorb nutrients from food. Available in a drink or capsules, Km has been changing people's lives for nearly a century. Although not a cure, people with conditions such as Lupus and psoriasis have noted significant relief by using this natural remedy. To find out more and try a risk-free 3 month trial of Km, please visit: http://www.matoluk.com/