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Your Body is Your Temple -- Treat it That Way

How many times in your life have you heard the statement, "your body is your temple?" It's one of those ideas that sneak into your consciousness and you don't know where you actually heard it.

Think about it for a moment. Do you believe that your body is your temple? Maybe it doesn't make sense to you at first. Let's see what the dictionary has to say about a "temple" and then you tell me.

· a place dedicated to worship

· having within it a divine presence

· a place reserved for a highly valued function

Let's take a look at them one by one.

Your body is a place that needs to be dedicated to worshiping itself.

If you don't worship your own body, who will? And what exactly does worshiping your body mean? Worshiping your body means taking care of it. Worshiping your body means doing what is best for it, not just on the outside but on the inside as well. Worshiping your body means nurturing it with proper nutrition, regular exercise and sufficient sleep. Worshiping your body means learning about it and listening to it. When your body is sick, it's letting you know that something is missing. It requires something that you are not giving it. I'm not talking about worship in terms of becoming obsessed with how you look. I'm talking about treating your body with respect, compassion and care.

Your body has within it a divine presence.

Doesn't it make sense that a divine presence resides within your body? You don't need to be religious to believe that we are all one with the universe. How else can we explain the miracle of our body. Just think for a moment about all the functions it performs without our even thinking about it. Our heart beats, our eyes blink, we breathe, we swallow, we digest--all with no conscious thought. We have countless hormones, enzymes, muscles, bones, organs, all working in perfect harmony. It is amazing, given how many of us treat our body, that it continues to work as well as it does. Who can possibly explain such an amazing machine without realizing that a power more powerful than we are dwells within us.

Your body is reserved for a highly valued function.

Wouldn't you agree that your body is reserved for a highly valued function? Without your body, you would have no vehicle to carry you through this life, no way to fulfill on what you see as your life's purpose, no way to do those things that are important to you. I suspect you can see that is a highly valued function. After all, what could be more important? Using your body to accomplish all those things you need to do every day. And, beyond that, being able to use your body to do everything you want to do. I'm going to get a little personal here. I've been in a position where my body was "sick" and I simply couldn't do many of the things I needed and wanted to do. It's no fun. Many of us take our body for granted. Unfortunately, it took a crisis for me to learn that lesson. Don't wait until you have a crisis in your life to begin to appreciate your body.

So, can we agree that your body really is your temple?

And, can we agree that, as your temple, your body deserves to be treated with the utmost respect and care?

Many of us tend to focus much of our attention on cutting, coloring and arranging our hair, keeping our nails impeccably polished and making sure our makeup is perfect. But what do we do about everything below our neck? How much time do we spend tending to those parts of us?

How many of us pay careful attention to the nutrition we feed our body? If you don't put the right kind of fuel in a car, it simply won't run. How many of us make sure that we are giving our body enough exercise to keep it in good working order. Here comes the car again! You might know that, if you don't drive a car but simply leave it parked in the garage, it won't run very well. You won't be able to depend on it when you need it. Well, our body is no different. We need to use it. The more we use it, the better it runs.

Since you're reading this, I'm betting you've already realized what you've been doing to destroy your "temple". Insufficient exercise, poor nutrition, inadequate rest, stress. And, if you've made it to this paragraph, I imagine you're very interested in repairing the damage and learning how to take good care of your body from now on. Let me be the first to encourage you to begin healthy nutrition and exercise practices right now. You will never make a better investment in yourself. Your temple will thrive on it.

Marilyn is a successful exercise/nutrition trainer and coach who works with women who are 50+. Her website [http://www.fitandfabulouswoman.com] provides fitness information, fitness products, fitness services, fitness advice and on-line personal training that support mature women in being their best...one-stop shopping for a healthy body, a clear mind and a soaring spirit.

Ebola: Does Mounting Evidence Suggest A False Flag Hoax?

Originated in March this year in Guinea then spread to Liberia and Sierra Leone West Africa, the out-of-control Ebola outbreak death-toll has increased exponentially now reaching well over 4,000 while many countries are indeed on red alert in anticipation of a global pandemic...

Having said that does the evidence surrounding the outbreak suggest a false flag hoax more so now than ever? Let's look into it.

The False flag hoax and its history

History has shown us that false flags in the form of fake diseases are nothing new. Remember SARS, the bird flu and then there was the so called swine flu..?

Typical of false flags the hidden powers that be had secretly created an enemy in the form of a virus with all the media hype and fear mongering needed to create a mass panic which caused people to rush in for their vaccinations as protection. However, nothing ever came of these diseases because they never existed. The invention of these diseases and mass panic was created for huge profits in vaccine treatment sales.

Here we go again?

-Is Ebola another false flag created to bring down western world countries by fear, introduce more laws that take away your freedom and implement martial law..? What will be put in the vaccine?

I certainly don't think that false flags are so 'in the vernacular' that they won't be used again.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

We're not being told by mainstream media that the PCR diagnostic test used to identify the Ebola virus is greatly unreliable and wildly inaccurate. So those said to have Ebola identified by using PCR could be falsely diagnosed. Instead of Ebola, the test could be indicating a number of other conditions such as a heavy cold, flu or reactions to contaminated drinking water...

The inaccuracy of PCR is supported by an August 2014 Department of Defence protocol document entitled "Ebola Zaire (EZ1) rRT-PCR (TaqMan®) Assay on ABI 7500 Fast Dx, LightCycler, & JBAIDS: INSTRUCTION BOOKLET" which can be downloaded online for free.

-Basically, in so many words, it states that the PCR test should only be used as a back up to supporting evidence already confirming Ebola.

Confirming evidence should include signs of blood haemorrhaging, a history based on the likelihood of contracting the disease by means of exposure... further biochemical evidence, signs and symptoms... Then there's been the 'presumptive cases of Ebola' based on evidence not related to the disease.

Why have these protocols been so blatantly ignored?

-At this point you may comment if it's not Ebola then what are these people dying over.

Instead of thinking in terms of 'one factor' it could be a number of factors. It doesn't have to be one single virus. Could it be related to extreme poverty? That many of the natives may be ill and dying over dysentery, mal-nutrition, parasitic infection or other poverty related illnesses?

I consider the one factor only, a single virus, to be highly suspect...

Big Pharma profits

With the anticipation of a global pandemic, comments have been made such as those by Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases alluding to the manufacture and introduction of a fast-tracked countries-wide Ebola vaccine. It so happens that this guy has an experimental vaccine on the go tied to GlaxoSmithKline. On the subject of 'who will gain?' did you know that the WHO (World Health Organization) directors who may well implement mandatory vaccinations throughout the world have ties to pharmaceutical companies? The CDC is another organisation who stands to gain greatly in the potential cash-cow.

-I find this quite horrifying. What about potential vaccine damage? For example, are you aware of the 100's and 100's of children now suffering narcolepsy as a result of a fast-tracked swine flu vaccine? There have been other adverse effects such as the 1000's of miscarriages reported...

Think of the fear mongering, emotional blackmailing or bullying; threatening to ostracize children from day-care or school and adults from work or even the threat of imprisonment should the new toxic vaccine be refused.

-All this over what looks like a bogus disease?

Suppression of natural cures

To achieve maximum profit from vaccine sales the powers that be in conjunction with big pharma will not allow any cheap, natural alternative treatment: Efficacy will never come into question.

For example, well respected Dr Rima Libow, medical director for the Natural Solutions Foundation, has produced evidence to show that nano-silver can effectively treat sufferers. However, the WHO recently stopped mass shipments of the nano-silver solution from getting into West Africa. The effectiveness of nano-silver had also been supported earlier on by the US government showing how it could also be used to treat other forms of hemorrhagic fever.

-Not one single mainstream media outlet has ever reported this while most of conventional medicine remains ignorant to these findings.

Flights are still allowed out of West Africa...

In spite of high level Ebola threats authorities are still allowing flights out of West Africa and into other countries. Using computational analysis PLOS has stated that if authorities implemented an 80% restriction in flights out of Africa and into France and the UK then the risks could be lowered by as much as 25% and 15% respectively.

In the USA the WHO and Obama have done nothing to block incoming flights from West Africa. Why isn't the President doing something to protect the American people? Thomas Eric Duncan named as America's first Ebola victim just before his death when entering the US from West Africa was allowed walk around airports and in amongst the general public without ever getting approached by US security personnel questioning where he had come from and establishing his health conditions.

No border control

It has been said that Obama has also neglected federal guidelines and protocol related to the bioterrorism threat and not implemented southern border control.

Could this be a deliberate act of treasonous negligence suggesting a false flag or is it ineptitude?

-I find it difficult at this present time to make any other conclusion than a global pandemic false flag.

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