Home Remedies

Natural Remedies






Doctor Reveals - Top 5 Sleep Killers and Why You Can't Sleep at Night

There are a few things people take on a regular basis that can absolutely destroy their sleep cycles without them knowing it. And some of those substances might come as surprise to you because you may think they usually help you relax and fall asleep. But the opposite is true. Not only are those substances bad for your health in general, but they also are bad for your sleep.

Listen, if you want to improve your sleep dramatically and you are currently doing one or more of the things listed below, I urge you to stop doing them. And if you can't stop, find some help. But it is absolutely critical that you get rid of those bad habits. So here is a list of what not to do, and why you shouldn't do it.

1. Alcohol: Yes I know exactly what you are thinking and I can already here you. "But I have a glass of wine or two at night and it actually helps me sleep". False, false and more false. Alcohol, after stimulating you, will make you sleepy, drowsy and might help you pass out faster, but you will remain in the first phases of sleep (light sleep), and never enter deep restorative sleep. Because of its sedating effect, people with sleep problems tend to drink at night. But even though you may think the results are positive because you were able to fall asleep faster, they are in fact rather negative, because alcohol will actually disturb your sleep cycles and phases. Plus alcohol should not be something you rely upon to fall asleep.

Here is another interesting fact: if you thought drinking earlier in the day would not affect your sleep well think again. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/aa41.htm) "Alcoholic beverages are often consumed in the late afternoon (e.g., at "happy hour" or with dinner) without further consumption before bedtime. Studies Roehrs, T., and Roth, T. Alcohol-induced sleepiness and memory function. Alcohol Health Res World 19(2):130-135, 1995) show that a moderate dose of alcohol consumed as much as 6 hours before bedtime can increase wakefulness during the second half of sleep. By the time this effect occurs, the dose of alcohol consumed earlier has already been eliminated from the body, suggesting a relatively long-lasting change in the body's mechanisms of sleep regulation" Landolt, H.-P., et al. Late-afternoon ethanol intake affects nocturnal sleep and the sleep EEG in middle-aged men. J Clin Psychopharmacol 16(6):428-436, 1996; Vitiello, M.V. Sleep, alcohol and alcohol abuse. Addict Biol (2):151-158, 1997.)

Another interesting fact about alcohol, is that it actually inhibits the secretion of a hormone called ADH (Anti Diuretic Hormone), which when in normal levels makes you retain the appropriate amount of water. But when you drink alcohol, this hormone stops being produced, and therefore your body looses more water than it should. This is called dehydration. So what does it mean for you? Well the more alcohol you drink, the more your body will dehydrate and this has 2 consequences:

1. When you are dehydrated, you can't sleep well and wake up thirsty in the middle of the night.

2. You wake up in the middle of the night with the urge to urinate.

So here are 2 more ways alcohol disrupts your sleep. Knowing all this, we can come to the conclusion you will be better off without drinking alcohol at all. Does that sound too hard for you? Well you make the choice: the pleasure of booze or restful healthy deep restorative sleep.

2. Nicotine: Do you smoke? Do you find you need that last cigarette at night otherwise you just can't relax from the busy day you had and won't be able to fall asleep. Maybe as you are reading these words it's late, you can't sleep and you have a cigarette between your fingers. Well let me tell you something interesting: just as I said it with alcohol, you'd be better off without it. So put it out right now! Yes you heard me; that last cigarette of the day that is supposed to relax you, will in fact have just the opposite effect.

If you are under the impression the cigarettes you smoke actually help you relax, you have been fooled. Nicotine is a stimulant!

Nicotine stimulates your nervous system, and instead of helping you sleep, it is going to keep you awake and tossing and turning in bed. It has the same effect as drinking a cup of coffee.

Smokers will usually stay in a light sleep and spend less time in deep restorative sleep, and may not even enter deep sleep. Nicotine also reduces the amount of REM sleep. You should now be well aware of the health dangers this leads to. Nicotine withdrawal (the decrease of nicotine level in the body and the need to replenish it) usually tends to wake up the smoker 3 to 4 hours after falling asleep. Long-term chronic smokers may also develop respiratory problems and cough, which greatly interferes with sleep. I remember a man I had met some years ago, a chronic smoker; he had been smoking 1 pack and a half a day for many years. He would cough so much at night he wouldn't sleep; he couldn't lay down more than 10 minutes without coughing and also had trouble breathing. The scary part is he was only 45 years old. So if you are a smoker and would like to improve your sleep, you know what to do! I am not telling you to quit cold turkey; you could at least stop smoking 1 or 2 hours before going to sleep. I know to some of you this seems impossible; well would you rather remain with your sleep problem?

A last word on cigarette smoking: even with all this information available to you, if you decide to keep smoking, and can't give up that last cigarette of the day, please make sure you do not smoke it in bed, or fall asleep with your cigarette lit in your hand. Every year many, many people are injured, and others die in fires caused by someone who fell asleep with a lit cigarette. Be responsible, and you may save lives.

3. Caffeine: If you didn't know it yet, caffeine is, according to wikipedia.com "the world's most popular psychoactive drug". It is widely used for its stimulating effect, to stay alert, and fight sleepiness. It is therefore absolutely logical caffeine should be avoided in all its forms as we get closer to the end of the day. But logic is not always followed. Have you ever found yourself drinking a caffeinated drink less than 6 hours before going to bed? Well if you have this bad habit, change it right away because it can take up to 6 hours for caffeine effects to wear off.
Here are some of the known effects of caffeine:

-Stimulates the central nervous system

-Increases alertness

-Increases heart rate

-Diuretic (makes you urinate more)

-Raises body temperature

Another little known fact is that caffeine is not just found in coffee. As a matter of fact it is contained in many other common foods and it also has different names such as:




And here is a list of the foods we can find caffeine in:


-Soft Drinks


-Energy drinks


-Some Diet Pills

Of course not all theses foods contain the same amount of caffeine. Chocolate for example has a low caffeine content. But did you know that a serving of soft drink contains 10 mg to 50 mg of caffeine, when an average serving of coffee contains 40 mg. You see soft drinks are as much of a stimulant as coffee is. Also know that "decaf" does contain caffeine, but in smaller amount. Odds are, you know you shouldn't drink coffee at night and therefore you avoid it.

But are you avoiding soft drinks as well? If you are drinking a couple of cans of soda within 6 hours of going to bed, you are increasing the caffeine in your body, which in turn stimulates your nervous system, and will make it harder for you to either fall asleep, or stay asleep. You may toss and turn in bed with your eyes open for hours and wonder why you just can't relax and go to sleep; the answer may lie in those cans of soda you had a few hours ago, or even the cup of coffee you had after dinner.

As a rule of thumb, if you have trouble sleeping at night, you should avoid all caffeine containing food within 6 hours of going to bed. You will dramatically increase your chances of going to sleep and staying asleep, you will find it is much easier to relax, turn your mind off and finally get the rest you need.

A side note on caffeine: Some people consider caffeine as a substitute for sleep. They will just disregard their lack of sleep and "compensate" with one cup of coffee after another to stay awake and alert. Knowing what you now know about the importance of sleep, I am sure you understand this is not something you should do. Your body will accumulate fatigue, will not be able to repair itself and will eventually breakdown (disease).

There is absolutely NO substitute for sleep. If you are not sleeping enough, drinking coffee, soda or taking caffeine pills to keep you awake and "functioning" is not a solution. It can become a vicious cycle, leading to addiction: someone does not sleep well at night, wakes up tired without energy and decides to drink coffee all day long to "stay awake". Caffeine accumulates in the system and when the time to sleep comes, this person can't relax and stays wired due to all the coffee drunk during the day. The next day, he wakes up tired again and starts the process over. If this is happening to you, your health could be in serious danger and I would recommend you find a way out of the addiction, and stop relying on coffee. You will be tired at first, maybe even completely exhausted, but your body isn't a machine!

4. Sugar: Sugar is not technically a stimulant but its effects are similar. The intake of sugar will cause a raise in your body insulin level to metabolize it, leading to a surge of energy. Amongst other things sugar stimulates the release of dopamine, which can lead to hyperactivity. Knowing this, you will probably want to stay away from all high sugar content foods, especially refined white sugar. This means no sodas (again), ice cream, candy bars, cookies and many other things!

The average soda, for example, contains about 40 mg of refined sugar, which is equivalent to about 10 teaspoons of sugar. Not only does sugar interfere with sleep but it also leads to obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay. From now on, make a conscious effort to avoid refined white sugar, and yes you will have to change your habits, but there can't be any results without change. You body will thank you for it.

5. Exercising at night: You must know that exercising at night or shortly before bedtime can have the opposite effect and keep you up. To prevent this sort of problem, you should always avoid exercising close to bedtime. As a rule, do not exercise 3 hours before going to bed. It is much better to exercise in the morning, and if you don't have time, you could start waking up 30 minutes earlier.

As you become familiar with your sleep, understand your natural rhythms, and start getting good quality, deep restorative sleep, you will notice that waking up earlier is actually easy and gives you more energy. Take advantage of this extra time to exercise instead of ending the day with it.

So there you have it 5 sleep killers revealed to you. You know what to do!

Dr. Simon Marmier is dedicated to improving the life of mankind worldwide. He maintains a private wellness practice in northern Spain, where he is helping people regain and maintain optimal health naturally. He is the author of "How To Get A Better And Healthier Sleep Starting Tonight". For more information on sleep, visit his insomnia solution website

How Alcohol Causes Insomnia

Many people like to drink wine, beer or other alcoholic beverages after work or in the evening, and because of the muscle (and mind) relaxation that occurs, may believe that alcohol helps them sleep.

Ironically, while a few drinks may bring on a sleepy state, they will disrupt the normal sleep cycle and create very restless sleep. The reason for this is that once asleep, the body starts to metabolise the alcohol and this affects brain activity. Alcohol in the blood stream actually disrupts the normal sleep cycle which involves cycling four or five times a night through deep, restful sleep and more active periods of dreaming and high brain activity. Alcohol disturbs the sleep pattern and makes it erratic.

Studies have found that alcohol consumed six hours before bedtime disrupts the second half of the sleep period. Active  alcoholics experience specific sleep disturbances such as needing increased time to fall asleep, frequent awakenings and poorer sleep quality as well as daytime fatigue. Further, these people undergo a vicious cycle when they try to stop drinking since an abrupt reduction or end to drinking usually triggers alcohol-withdrawal difficulties as well as pronounced insomnia and sleep disturbance.

Beyond withdrawal, sleep patterns may never return to normal in people with alcoholism. After years of abstinence, alcoholics tend to sleep poorly, with increased nighttime wakefulness contributing to daytime fatigue.

In addition to the effects of alcohol on the brain, drinking high quantities of any beverage before bed is going to increase the need for urination during the night, creating a further sleep disruption.

The occasional evening of drinks is not a problem, but a pattern of heavy drinking can set up insomnia problems. It can also lead to sleep apnea where the throat's soft tissues can relax to the point of obstructing breathing during sleep.

Cutting back on alcohol consumption, or stopping it entirely is advisable for people keen to restore restful sleep.

For many, many more options for overcoming insomnia, visit Good Night Sleep [http://www.a-good-night-sleep.com/index.html]. You are welcome to reprint this article on your health-related website, as long as you reprint it in full, including this resource box.

The Joy of Living in Recovery

Step one was to acknowledge I was powerless and unmanageable. The first part is a conclusion I drew about myself after learning the facts about my disease as outlined in the Big Book. After honestly relating my experiences drinking to the "Doctor's Opinion" and the first three chapters I concluded, "Yes, I am an alcoholic. I have a problem with drugs and alcohol."

The second part is an agreement I make with the fact that yes, my life is unmanageable. I have a problem living. Not surviving or getting by, but actually living the life I always wanted to live. One without the constant fear, guilt, and remorse I lived with while drinking. A life without constantly fighting everyone and everything to have things my way. One I didn't have to prove myself to anyone or live up to anything.

Until I could admit that I was both powerless over drugs and alcohol and my life was unmanageable, I wouldn't need to try and be sober. It's that simple. I believe this is what our book refers to on page 30 when it says "We had to concede to our inner most selves that we were alcoholic. This is the first step in treatment." I was confusing wanting to be sober with wanting the consequences of my drinking to go away. For me, I knew I was alcoholic, but my life just wasn't unmanageable enough. When I admitted complete defeat was when I hit my bottom and was able to begin true recovery.

I was so self-sufficient it almost killed me. I lost everything I cared to lose and kept trying one more time to feel that ease and comfort which comes at once by taking a few drinks. The problem was I just couldn't get to that place anymore. I was stuck in self-pity. I went to treatment, I was doing aftercare, attending meetings daily and couldn't stay sober. I wanted to be sober and feel at ease and comfortable. That's the big dilemma for me getting and staying sober. The only tool I had to make life livable was alcohol and it quit working. I had to find a new way to do things.

I had a chance to be with my family Thanksgiving after a year of tough love. It was a weekend I will always remember. We were hiking in the mountains and I was overcome with the presence of His beauty and the unconditional love of family. I was filled with gratitude and the sense that I didn't have to live in the pain of my drinking ever again. My eyes opened to the possibility of a sober, happy life. I was powerless over alcohol and my life was unmanageable. I had taken step one. I was ready for recovery.

So what do I do? I work the remaining steps of Alcoholics Anonymous with a sponsor who has worked them. Not a drug and alcohol treatment center, not aftercare, not an Oxford House, not 90 meetings in 90 days, not anything else. Those things are helpful tools but by themselves they cannot keep me sober. If I could just not drink no matter what--as it is often suggested to newcomers, I wouldn't have a problem! It isn't easy, but nobody said life is. I had to quit feeling sorry for myself, grow up and take action to save my life. As soon as I recognized that and quit fighting it got a lot easier.

May all of you struggling with that first step find your way. Make this your bottom and get on with the joy of living in recovery.

Immune System Vitamins - Strengthen Your Immunity For Optimal Health

Nutrition and dietary choices are always the most important and natural way we can obtain the most essential immune system vitamins our bodies need to remain strong and healthy. We must examine what we eat, such as whether we get enough whole fruits and veggies, proteins, legumes and grains which are good for immunity, before we can consider how any immune system supplements or immune boosters can benefit the unique functioning and genetic makeup of our individual bodies and metabolisms.

The second most important thing we must examine to determine if we can make changes that can enhance our immune health is our everyday activities and lifestyle choices. It is important to consider that exercise, emotional well-being, stress levels, and everyday habits all play a part in the functioning of our immune functioning. What you do everyday can either cause harm to your body, or naturally act as immune boosters to improve your overall health and well-being.

Getting exercise, even a thirty minute walk daily, finding quite time for yourself, having fun or just relaxing if you are going through a time of stress, and quitting bad habits like excessive sugar or caffeine intake, or smoking are some of the most important things you can do for your body.

If you are worried about getting sick or have an illness or disease and are looking for a remedy, there are lots of immune system supplements that are supported by research and considered beneficial for strengthening the immunity.

The most important and well known immune system vitamin is vitamin C found especially high in citrus fruits is an anti-oxidant the body needs; as a supplement, it is absorbed especially well by the body when combined with bioflavonoids.

The B vitamins also help support immunity. Vitamins B6 and B12, specifically, are the most important vitamins for the immune system. There is research that the B vitamins all work together, so you should consider the benefits of taking a B vitamin complex when this using this as a part of an immune system vitamins regiment.

Vitamin A is also an important immune system vitamin. An anti-oxidant, it protects against free radicals, and also helps keep the mucous membranes healthy.

Vitamin E is good for immunity and is an effective anti-oxidant. Vitamin E acts as a type of immune armour, as it makes its way to the surface of cells in the body where it works fight off harmful substances that have entered the body.

Zinc, an important mineral, is good for overall functioning of the immune system. It is especially useful for fighting off a cold and helps to maintain the healthy functioning of all cell membranes.

Other herbal vitamins and immune system supplements that are extremely beneficial in supporting immunity include echinacea which is good at the start of a cold, elderberry extract which also helps fight off colds, and probiotics which keep the intestine supplied with good bacteria, which are vital for the body. Also everyday foods such as garlic which is antibacterial and anti-viral, ginger which is an antioxidant and known to kill the cold virus, and lemon which has lots of vitamin C are known for their immune building properties.

Nutrition, daily activity, lifestyles habits, and immune system vitamins are all the main factors to consider when trying to achieve optimal immune health. Always consider the simple changes that you can make to your daily lifestyle first and then look for immune boosters and immune supplements that can be beneficial as an addition to a healthy lifestyle.

What's the Best Treatment for Dandruff?

Dandruff affects the scalp and causes the scalp to flake - it is a common condition. Our skin cells are continually renewing themselves. When the skin cells on our scalp are renewed the old ones are pushed to the surface. If you are a person who suffers with dandruff the renewal process is faster, making the dandruff more of a noticeable problem.

The exact cause of dandruff is not known, although it is believed by some professionals to be associated with an over-growth of Malassezia, which is a fungus commonly found on the skin and scalp. Dandruff can be a long-term problem or it can be the result of certain lifestyle changes or stress. If you have dandruff you may also notice itching and redness on the scalp. Excessive flaking may be caused by an underlying illness or condition, such as psoriasis, a fungal infection, or even head lice.

Having dandruff can be a real blow to a persons self-esteem, knocking ones confidence. Therefore, finding an effective treatment for dandruff may be important for both physiological and psychological reasons.

How to help prevent Dandruff.

Before we start with the cures and for getting rid of dandruff let's have a quick look a some of the steps we can take to help prevent dandruff.
  1. When you shampoo your hair, try not to scratch your scalp too much.

  2. Try to avoid putting to many chemicals on your hair such as hair dye.

  3. Try to manage your stress better. Good quality sleep and meditation could help you de-stress.

  4. Brush your hair at least once a day. Shampoo it at least three times a week.

  5. Cut down on your use of hair products such as gel and spray until your dandruff calms down.

  6. Clean your comb everyday. Try using a good quality barbicide (The blue liquid you may have seen your barber or hairdresser using to store their combs and clippers etc)

  7. Get more Vitamin B in your diet. Include more seafood, fresh vegetables and nuts in your diet.

  8. Don't wash your hair in hard water. If you live in an area with hard water, have a filter fitted, or wash your hair with bottled water.

  9. Change your shampoo. Sometimes you may be using a shampoo which just doesn't agree with your scalp and can actually agitate the sebaceous glands and cause dandruff. Once you've found a shampoo that works for you, stick with it.

Okay, that's the preventative stuff out of the way... what about the cures?

How to get rid of Dandruff Naturally.

For those of you who prefer to do things the natural way there are plenty of options available to you. If you prefer to using commercially available medicated products instead of going the home remedy type route, then you can skip the next few paragraphs.
  • Yogurt makes an excellent hair conditioner. After washing your hair, try rubbing some plain yogurt into your scalp. Leave it for 10 of 15 minutes to do its stuff. Rinse your hair through with a vinegar water mix (you don't need much vinegar, just a tablespoon in a bowl of water). After you've rinsed with the vinegar water, rinse it again with warm water until it's clean. You can then wash your hair through with a little shampoo if you wish.

  • Boil the peels of a lemon or two in 1 liter of water for 15-20 minutes. Let it cool and rinse your hair with this solution about once a week.

  • Mix the juice of half a lemon with 4 tablespoons of warmed olive oil (obviously not hot, just warm. You don't want burn yourself). Rub the mixture into the roots before washing your hair with a mild shampoo.

  • Get some boric acid powder. This is available at the chemist or online and it is usually used as an eye wash. Warm any natural oil such as olive oil, coconut oil or castor oil, add one teaspoon of boric powder and allow it to dissolve. Part your hair into separate sections and apply the oil and massage it well into the scalp. Keep it on for 2-3 hours or ideally overnight if you can, and then wash your hair in the morning. Do this procedure once a week and if your dandruff is stubborn, try it twice a week.

  • Mix two tablespoons of malt or cider vinegar into a mug of warm water. After you have washed your hair and rinsed it of shampoo, do a final rinse with this vinegar mix. Do this two of three times a week.

  • Take 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds, leave them to soak overnight. In the morning grind them into a fine paste. This paste should be applied on the scalp and left for half an hour. The hair should be then washed thoroughly with mild shampoo.

  • Add a drop of tea tree oil to your regular shampoo. Tea tree oil has been used for centuries and is a highly effective anti-septic and anti-fungal substance. It's works great to combat dandruff.

Over the Counter Remedies.

If the natural home-remedies aren't helping to get rid of dandruff, you might want to try some of the many medicated shampoos that are available over the counter, T-Gel and Head & Shoulders being two which spring to mind. Try to get a trial sized sample of any brand medicated shampoo before making a purchasing. Some brands my work better for you than some others, because they can be quite harsh some medicated shampoos may even worsen your dandruff problem by irritating your skin. So shop around until you find one that works.

What if treatments don't work?

If you have tried all the above methods and nothing has seemed to work for you it could mean there are underlying problems. You may need to speak to a doctor or dermatologist so that they can diagnose what the problem is exactly.

Shoulder Health For Swimmers

The Achilles' Heal of Swimming

Swimming is a low-impact, safe, fun, and challenging form of exercise. If you have a history of injuries in your legs, then it's a great alternative form of cardio. Studies show that swimmers live longer and are less prone to various diseases, even compared to people who engage in other forms of exercise, including running, rowing, and cycling. Swimming can counter some of the negative effects of sitting and driving all day. It's a sport that actually elongates the spine.

Swimming promotes flexibility in many ways, but improving your shoulder health is crucial for optimal performance. It takes some time to promote shoulder health, and many swimmers often ignore it because they feel they don't have enough time. The other problem is that a stretching routine will only prevent injuries, so the benefits are subtle. But the cost of not doing it is an injury. The benefits outweigh the investment of time. You'll perform better, reduce the chance of injury and recover better.

Mike Harris is an aspiring professional swimmer in Northern Virginia. Harris was swimming everyday as an undergraduate college student for his team. His typical distance per week usually hovered around 50-60,000 meters. He felt strong but was always feeling sore in his shoulder after workouts. He had no recovery plan and continued to push through the pain. "I live for pain in the water, that's what I'm good at, but not this kind of pain. Very little strength training was involved in my routine. Almost all my training was done in the water along with the occasional 'extended stretching and flexibility' I would do on my own just to say loose.

He had been swimming his entire life since he was the age of. None of his coaches had ever shown him basic exercises to keep his shoulder healthy. While he learned some basic stretches that swimmers usually do before diving into the pool, he never learned how to properly recover from his long and intense workouts. Most of his coaches were a poolside presence, and prescribed a few dryland exercises.. Although he has a strong and large upper body, his shoulder health was becoming a limiter to his performance.

When I met Mike I introduced him to dryland exercises that he needed to do if he was going to keep his shoulder healthy, and if he was going to ever realize his dream of becoming a professional swimmer. These exercises were totally new and completely foreign to Mike. "Immediately after Kevin designed a dryland routine for me based on my personal workout load and training needs, I felt more flexible and able to perform drills with greater ease. Mobility is a must in my training schedule and is done every day."

Before your implement this program, it's important to have a basic understanding of the anatomy of the shoulder joint. The glenohumeral joint actually comprises four muscles that surround the joint, and are referred to as the rotator cuff: the supraspinatus, the infraspinatus, the teres minor and the subscapularis. When they're flexible and strong, you'll avoid any kind of injury

The following program is the same one Mike uses to not only maintain his shoulder health, but to feel even more flexible and stronger in the water. He does them every day, including days he doesn't swim. He prefers to do them right after workouts.

Of course, you're probably not a professional swimmer. But even recreational swimmers and triathletes should include this program if they want to continue swimming without any problems. The program includes active-isolated stretching, a Swiss ball routine, and some dumbbell exercises.

Active-Isolated Stretches

Created by Aaron Mettes, the premise of active-isolated stretching (AIS) is that prolonged static stretches greater than two seconds actually decreases blood flow within tissue creating ischemia and lactate build up. AIS allows the target muscle to optimally lengthen without triggering the stretch reflex. AI stretching activates the opposing muscles, which contract, and force the target muscle to elongate. The body them remembers this new range of motion. Thus, the muscle is activated in this new position and isn't just stretched and released. AIS also increase blood flow and can increase core temperature.

Arm circles

Bend over and let your arms drop. Spin your arms in circles 10 times in each direction.

Horizontal Abduction

Bring your arms out and back. Hold stretch for 2 seconds and repeat 10-15 times. Extend your arms as far as you can.


Stand straight. Bring arms up behind body with fingers pointing towards ground. Hold for 2 seconds and repeat 10-15 times.

External Rotation

Stand straight Lifts arms out to sides with elbows 90 degrees and hands making a fist. Knuckles should be pointing towards the sky. Rotate backwards and hold for 2 seconds and repeat 10-15 times
Internal Rotation

Stand straight. Bend your elbows at 90 degrees. Knuckes should be pointing towards the ground. Rotate shoulders fowward. Hold for 2 seconds and repeat 10-15 times.

Horizontal Flexion

Stand straight. Bring one arm across body. Place other hand on elbow that is crossing the body. Hold for 2 seconds and repeat 10-15 times.

Horizontal Flexion

Stand straight. Bring one arm across body and place it over your shoulder. Place other hand on shoulder. Hold for 2 seconds and repeat 10-15 times.

Triceps stretch

Stand straight. Bring one arm up and back with elbow bent. Place other hand on elbow. Hold for 2 seconds and repeat 10 times

Posterior hand clasp

Stand straight. Clasp hands in each direction. Try to grab the hands. If you cannot, you can use a towel. Always strive to reach the hands. Hold for 2 seconds and repeat 10-15 times.


Lie on the stability ball in a prone (face down) position. Place feet on the floor and stomach on the ball. Hold light dumbbells (weighing no more than a kilogram or 2.5 pounds), and lift the arms to form a Y. Bring the arms towards the floor and then lift again. Lower your arms and repeat. Make sure the top of your abs or on the middle of the ball. Retract your shoulder blades down and back


In the same position, hold the dumbbells straight down along the side of the ball. Lift the dumbbells to your side and repeat Pul your shoulder baldes in toward your spie and extend your arms to the sides. Keep your arms at 90 degrees. Lower your arms and repeat


In the same position, hold the dumbbells straight down. Bring your hands towards your chest and bend your elbows and repeat. Squeeze your elbows toward you ribs. Take your thumbs and rotate them back toward the ceiling, squeezing your shoulder blades together to form a W


In the same position, hold the dumbbells straight down. Bring the arms up and bend the elbows 90 degrees. Turn the forearms forward. Turn them backwards and then drop the arms to the original position. Flex your elbows until they are 90 degrees with your upper arm. Squeeze your shoulder blades together to raise your upper arms so they're 90 degrees to your torso. Once they form an L, externally rotate your upper arms so that the backs of your hand stretch toward the ceiling

Side-Lying External Rotation

This is a great exercises for the infraspinatus and teres minor, your shoulder external rotators. Lie on your side and hold dumbbell in your top arm. Your arm should be 90 degrees and the dumbbell should be just above the floor. Rotate your elbow until your arm is parallel to the floor. Slowly lower to the starting position.

Noticeable Benefits

Swimmer usually ignore dryland exercises, because they don't perceive the benefit or value. They simply don't think that stretching or strength training will improve their times like the thousands of meters they swim in the pool. But Harris disagrees: I believe that strength training is a must for any athlete who wants to achieve next level success. Every tool must be used in order to maintain a consistent level of peak performance," Harris says. Without a detailed strength training plan, my training intensity and load would steadily decline over time due to fatigue and strain. It's comforting to know that I can get the most out of every workout without losing a day to "being drained", or physically tired."

While you certainly won't set a world record or double your speed in the pool, that's not the point. A balanced strength and stretching program could give you the extra edge in a sport where hundredths of seconds separate 1st and 2nd place. "Times drop on a consistent basis and muscle fatigue has drastically decreased, which is great for any athlete to insure performing and drilling at the upper levels of your ability every time," Harris says. For Harris, the lack of stretching and strengthening was his 
Achielle's Heel, and it might be yours.

Kevin Burciaga is a personal trainer and head of Testosterone Lab, a personal training and nutrition service in Falls Church, VA. You can reach him at [http://www.testosteronelab.net] and automatically get a monthly
health and fitness newsletter, as well as free special reports.

Possible Dermatologist Concerns for Babies

A dermatologist is the medical specialist that we go to when we have concerns about our skin. They are educated and trained to diagnose, maintain and treat or correct any conditions that appear in this area. Since the dermis is the first line of defense that our body has against diseases and other sicknesses, it is understandable that we get concerned when we find something unusual or new with it. For the most part, adults have developed a good defense against many of the outside factors that tend to make our outer layer break out or develop rashes. Babies on the other hand have little or no immunity when they are born with regards to skin infections and other diseases that occur in this organ.

Possible Conditions

A diaper rash is one of the most common things that can happen to the infant's dermis during its first year. A dermatologist is usually consulted to bring it under control since babies feel discomfort and sometimes pain when the rash becomes too prominent. The main cause of this condition is the predictably warm and moist atmosphere that occurs within the diaper that comes in close contact with the infant, namely the buttocks and genital area. If the diaper is soiled by urine, many parents do not immediately notice this or do not change it yet thinking that the diaper is absorbent.

Although the diaper does absorb the urine, the outer layer closest to the skin retains some of the moisture and the elements of the urine which can cause sensitivity. Prolonged or regular exposure to this environment can trigger the rash. Feces should not be allowed to stay too long in contact with the dermis in order to prevent the rash getting worse. Changing soiled diapers often is the best thing that parents can do for their babies.

Another condition that warrants a visit to the dermatologist is intertrigo. This is a condition that develops in chubby babies or in those that have plenty of creases that do not often see the light of day or are not exposed to air. The most common areas for these to develop are the neck and groin areas where he baby may be sweating excessively or may have drooled on. A barrier cream made of zinc-oxide may be recommended by the doctor to prevent the rash from developing to a raw one. 
Cradle cap is a rash that often develops in the babies' head and sometimes eyebrows. For some, it may look like a mild case of dandruff but a dermatologist will say otherwise. Although the cause is not known, a local remedy is to rub a little olive oil or baby oil on the area to relieve the scalp and eyebrows of the scaly growth. Do not let the oil come close to the eyes.

These are just a few of the more common kinds of skin conditions that parents should be aware of. They do not need to panic when these occur, just bring the infant to the dermatologist to get a proper diagnosis.

Lemon Juice For Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are not what one would call a major health problem, but they are definitely a problem. There are several home remedies that different people like to use, such as lemon juice. Lemon juice is widely known to efficiently help dissolve stones with surprising quickness. The key to using home remedies is using them in combination with other healthy habits. Using lemon juice for kidney stones may help keep you out of the doctor's office and save you some time and money.

When formulating the right mixture of lemon juice for your kidney stones, there are a couple different recipes. You will want to experiment a little with your water to lemon juice ratio to best fit your taste buds. It is no surprise that this concoction of lemon juice for your kidney stones will be just somewhat tart. The most popular recipe starts with a gallon jug of water and about one cup of reconstituted lemon juice. It does not really matter if you purchase a gallon of spring or distilled water from the store specifically for this purpose or whether you just fill up an old gallon milk jug for the task.

If you buy a gallon of water just for this recipe, you will want to dump enough of it out to add the juice. Once you add the lemon juice you will want to give your jug a good shake or two. Also, you will want to remember to shake that jug this way each time before you pour yourself a glass of this helpful drink. The lemon juice will settle at the bottom quickly, so shaking it well is a must. Another quick fact to keep in mind is that this lemon juice and water mix will be very acidic still, so to save your teeth some trouble you may want to use a squeeze bottle or a straw to avoid as much contact with your teeth.

As was for mentioned, when using a home remedy like this, you will want to keep the rest of your routine as healthy as possible to your urinary system. Remember when using lemons for kidney stones to increase your fluid take in general. Stick primarily to water. Cranberries and cranberry juice is also a great urological cleanser. Cranberries have a lot of antioxidants to help healing along. Two or three quarts of water per day is usually a sufficient amount of water to keep you well hydrated and your systems flowing smoothly. Staying well hydrated is one of the main keys in fighting these pesky build ups.

However, every person will have a slightly different intake of fluids that they will need in a day's time. If you are outside or at a job working hard, your fluid intake will increase. If you are doing an extreme amount of sweating, stop and take a break with this condition. They do not have to lead into a surgical procedure as long as they are dealt with as soon as possible. However, if lemon juice for your kidney stones does not help you to show improvement in this situation get to a doctor. Some kidney stones are too stubborn for anything besides a surgical procedure.

"Revealed: How To Dissolve And Pass Your Kidney Stones PAIN FREE In Less Than 24 Hours From Right Now, Using A Safe, Natural, Home Remedy"

The Serious Dangers of Mold and Mildew in Your House

Two years of severe hurricane hits along the Gulf Coast and heavy rains and flooding this spring in the Northeast are providing a nationwide breeding ground for indoor mold and mildew growth (some deadly) now that summer heat is here. What is the solution?

The subject is surrounded by controversy. The Centers for Disease Control, Institute of Medicine, as well as scientists and doctors at Harvard University, Mayo Clinic, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, and several State Health Agencies have all looked at the problem. There have been several studies conducted by medical researchers over the past few years looking for any linkages between various respiratory and physical ailments and deaths and the presence of molds in our living space. While some say there is a linkage, others say the facts don’t support that.

Here are the facts. Mold is everywhere; inside and outside. Some molds are good (penicillin), some are very toxic and emit gases that can be inhaled (Stachybotrys “black mold”). Although some people apparently aren’t bothered by mold, all varieties have the potential to cause illness. Mold reproduces by generating spores that are released into the air, where they land on moist surfaces. They can grow on any organic surface such as wallpaper, ceiling tiles, carpeting, wallboard and wood. They thrive in dark, warm, moist locations, like under carpets, inside walls and ceilings. They will also contaminate items that come in contact with those surfaces.

Mold can trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks in many. Complaints of flu-like symptoms, chronic fatigue syndrome, memory impairment, migraines, sick building syndrome, dizziness and nosebleeds are common. These are the mild symptoms. Many researchers claim that mold can attack several main body systems, including the brain, central nervous and immune systems and have been the direct cause of some deaths. Regardless of where you stand on this issue, who wants to smell mold/mildew and inhale spores from household fungus? They can lodge in your lungs (remember dark, warm and moist). Asthmatics, infants and individuals suffering immune system deficiencies are particularly susceptible.

So, what should you do if you think that your home might have a mold/mildew problem? Here’s a suggested 5 step process:

• Mold Inspection- retain a qualified, certified mold inspection firm to evaluate your home and determine cause of mold and severity of infestation.

• Isolation of the Area- if there is a mold problem, you will want to isolate the area carefully to prevent carryover into non infested areas during clean up.

• Clean Up/Remediation- care should be taken to not stir up the mold; if it is severe, or in the walls, a specialized remediation firm (in space suits) may have to be used and materials removed in hazardous waste containers.

• Repair of the Cause- if there is structural damage or leaky plumbing causing a moisture problem, fix it.

• Maintenance/Prevention- an ongoing program to ensure no recurrence of the cause and use of proven purification technology to maintain a clean environment and kill mold growth.

On this last point, emphasis is placed on use of technology that has a proven track record of mold abatement. HEPA filters and electrostatic filters that are called purifiers are not effective on mold/mildew. There is, however, affordable, proprietary and safe technology currently available that has a demonstrated ability to sanitize surfaces from a variety of microbials and to stop mold/mildew growth. This effective technology has become widely accepted since it’s use by the government during the 9/11 Pentagon cleanup, is currently in use in several government facilities and is available to the general public through an authorized dealer network.

Total Body Cleanse - The Best Post-Holiday Detox

We all overindulged this past holiday season and are eager to get back into shape or, in the case of some of us, get into shape. One of the most common New Years resolutions is to lose weight and get fit. Sales for gym equipment and nutritional supplements skyrocket in the month of January. The poor UPS driver experiences a large increase in the number of elliptical trainers and treadmills he has to unload and deliver. And everyone starts researching products that help us get started. "Detox" and "body cleanse" are entered into search engines at lightening speed. In the age of instant everything, we expect to find easy remedies for bad habits.

Unfortunately, there really aren't any quick fixes for bodily abuse. You didn't end up overweight and flabby overnight and the problem isn't going to get fixed without that old fashioned stand-by called effort. But, if you're ready to commit to a lifestyle change, a healthier and leaner body can be achieved. And it doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg nor does it have to involve drinking disgusting concoctions while fasting and feeling weak. As a matter of fact, the worst thing you can do is restrict calories by fasting. It puts your body in starvation mode and tells it to save fat.

The other day I made myself a berry, citrus, kale, apple, banana smoothie for breakfast. I couldn't finish it so put the rest in a tall glass, covered it with plastic wrap, and stuck it in the fridge. When I got home, it didn't look all the appetizing so I went to dump it out in the sink. I held the glass upside down and nothing came out. The kale and fruit sediment had apparently absorbed all the liquid and it all became kind of a solid mass. It was a great illustration for what happens in the colon when we don't consume enough liquid to keep things flowing. So, number one on the hit parade of products that we need for a total body cleanse is good, clean water. Sip water all day long. Set a water consumption goal. Increase it daily until you are drinking a healthy amount. An average sized woman needs about 70 ounces of water daily. Drink more if you're physically active.

Nature has provided all you need to keep your body healthy. Manufacturers cannot successfully duplicate what is already available. Fruit and vegetables help clean up your body just fine. The only caveat here is to add them slowly if you're not used to all that fiber. Add one serving each of a fruit and vegetable to your diet daily until you are eating healthy amounts. Kale packs a great nutritional punch. Citrus is a great fruit for cleansing your insides. What you want to avoid is twisting your gut up with too much too soon. Drink lots of water so you don't get clogged up like that mass in the glass I had yesterday. Make a good vegetable fruit smoothie and sip throughout the day. Add some ground flax seed to thicken and add fiber. Flax seed is a great source of Omega 3's and fiber and also has some anti-oxidant properties.

Digestion begins in the mouth. Chew well. Eat slowly. Make sure you're dining in a relaxed atmosphere. Avoid refined sugars and carbohydrates. Switch from coffee to green tea. Add some chamomile in the evening. Dandelion root tea helps clear the system so sip a cup in the afternoon. Have a nice salad for dinner. Make sure to include healthy greens like spinach. Leave out the iceberg lettuce as it has very little nutritional value. Use a basic salad dressing that has an olive oil base. Throw on a few walnuts for protein.

Transit time is important to keep track of so you know you are eating properly and keeping your engine clean. Every now and again, add some beets or some other "dye" to your diet so you can see how long it is taking for food to travel from one end to the other. Carrot juice is a favorite of mine. Experts differ on what constitutes a healthy amount of time for food to commute from to coast but 12 to 24 hours is average for someone consuming adequate fiber.

There's no magic bullet for detoxing or maintaining health. Stay away from recipes that involve putting Epsom salts in any open orifice. Don't spend good money on tinctures that promise quick results. Good nutrient rich food is all any normal body needs to get and stay as clean as nature intended.

Benefits Of Following The Paleo Diet Lifestyle

The paleo diet really is more of a lifestyle than a true diet. Its main goal is a healthy living, not direct weight loss. However, this is for many, a side effect of making the required eating habit changes to one's daily diet. There are many benefits to living the paleo way and we will discuss that further in this very article. If you are interested in living a happier, more mentally alert and healthier life, then please keep reading.

The automatic result of changing eating habits to the foods our Paleolithic ancestors ate is, we no longer get bombarded with the complex and dangerous chemicals that are commonly added to the most popular foods in today's grocery stores. It is believed that our bodies have not evolved to properly process many of these chemicals. On the other hand, many of these chemical are plain old Dangerous to our bodies and mental capacity.

Eating real food, not processed foods, will make a noticeable and positive change to your mental and physical health. As stated earlier, this is not technically a diet plan, more of a lifestyle based around making healthy choices to fuel your body with the best wholesome foods possible. The results for many do include weight loss, but please consider the points below when considering what the paleo diet really has to offer to you and anybody who takes the proper steps to make changes in their own life.

Food Coloring May Be Pretty, But...

Did you know many of the most common foods (not found on the paleo diet food list) have food coloring added to them to make them look appetizing? This alone does not sound dangerous, but the actual chemicals to obtain these colors are very problematic. In the 1970's the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) banned red dye no. 2 because it was found that in high doses it would actually cause cancer in laboratory rats. The yellow no. 5 dye was found to increase hyperactivity in children by a British study in 2007 and to worsen asthma symptoms by studies that go back to the 1950's.

Naturally Sweet, Just Makes Sense

High fructose corn syrup has received a lot of negative media in the past few years and for good reason. This sweetener that is derived from corn, an alternative to natural sugar from sugar cane, has some major health concerns connected to it. This sweetener is found in soft drinks, junk food and just about anything that is sweet and carries a decent shelf like at the grocery store. It has been connected to the raise of obesity in America and the body does not metabolize it in the same way as sugar based sweeteners.

Mercury contaminants are found in it and this has yet to be regulated by the FDA. The companies that use this in their foods have spent millions to "educate" the public on its safety, yet the extraction process is still secret and unknown to all. This additive is almost exclusively used in poor quality "food like substances", so that should be enough for you to know you need to stay away from it.

Salty &Healthy Don't Belong In The Same Sentence

Americans love salt. There I said it. Many people love to put extra salt on foods that are already doused with butter (which normally already contains salt) to bring out this familiar taste. There are many dangers of high sodium diets. The most apparent is the hypertension or high blood pressure (that leads to heart issues) that is associated with too much salt in one's diet. In mature adults, high salt intake can lead to premature cognitive decline. Salt also changes the way your kidneys function, not allowing it to regulate the release of water to the body as normal and can lead to kidney stones. Salt can even lead to a skin condition called edema. This condition causes swelling of the extremities.

Living The Paleo Life

There are many other reasons that the paleo diet has become one of the most popular ways to change your health. The reasons discussed here are just the tip of the iceberg. The real magic starts when you realize that removing the things that have a negative impact on your health are magnified by adding more of the healthy vitamins and nutrients found in the foods that are paleo approved. Changing your lifestyle takes time and of course some work, but hopefully you have found enough reasons here that you find the determination to move forward with some healthy changes starting today!

Many people have already realized the benefits of making healthier choices to change the way they look and feel. If you want to be leaner and more mentally tough, it may be time to make some changes in your own lifestyle. Learn more about healthy paleo diet recipes that work and begin your journey to a healthier you!

Want to get started? Grab these free paleo recipes every week and start empowering your body with true health now!

3 Natural Cures For A Migraine Headache


Only a migraine sufferer understands the pain. Regardless of how the migraine starts the end result is the same - excruciating pain that renders you helpless. Walking hurts, breathing hurts. Even thinking hurts.

People often discount migraines without any true understanding of the suffering a migraine can inflict. They treat migraine sufferers like hypochondriacs or drama queens. This is simply not so. There are any number of painkillers and pills available to help curb the pain. The issue here is that many of these painkillers require repeat prescriptions and involve an ongoing cost. The other side effect of many of the prescribed medicines is that they can help with the pain of the migraine headache itself but tend to have a "knockout" effect on the sufferer.

Most migraine sufferers will be familiar with the "where did the day go?" effect of many of the stronger painkillers. There are natural remedies to the migraine plague. They're simple and cheap (if not free). None of these are to replace prescribed medication but can be used in conjunction with your medication to bring relief about faster. They also complement each other.

Dark Room

If you suffer from migraine headaches and an attack begins then find the quietest, darkest spot in your home and lay down there. The area or should also be relatively warm to allow you to relax faster. Your eyes should remain covered but open. This usually means using some sort of blindfold but a scarf, long handkerchief or other material works just fine. Keep your eyes open as much as possible because experience has shown that shutting your eyes to try and cope with the pain uses extra facial and jaw muscles that can just increase the problem and not cure it.

If an attack has already begun then follow the same routine and take whatever prescribed medication you have.

Relaxed Breathing

A migraine attack generally brings on a sort of anxiety attack in the sufferer. They know how much it's going to hurt so their heart rate increases. This increase in blood flow makes the problem worse. Once you've retreated to the quiet, dark area and covered your eyes from any possible stimuli then breathing is the next area to focus on. You must let your breathing relax. Panicked breathing will increase the pain you're already experiencing.

To allow your breathing to relax follow these steps:

1. Take a long slow deep breath and exhale equally slowly.

2. Again take a long, slow deep breath. As you're slowly inhaling focus on the sensation of the air filling your lungs. Feel the air filling your body. Once you've inhaled as much as is comfortable again exhale slowly. As you're exhaling focus on the sensation of the air leaving your lungs and escaping through your mouth. Breathe out completely.

3. Repeat the process of inhaling slowly, focusing on the sensation of the air filling your lungs and exhaling slowly 4 or 5 more times.

4. By the fourth repetition you should notice that your breathing is far more relaxed and calm. Your heart rate should now also have lowered back to a resting rate and you may even feel slightly sleepy. If so embrace that feeling and allow yourself to fall asleep.

Lavender Oil

This is the final step in the process. Lavender oil is renowned for its medicinal properties and this is doubly so for migraine headaches. Lavender oil is cheap and completely safe to use. Only use pure Lavender oil for treating migraines - lavender scented fragrances or scented oils are useless. It must be the purest lavender oil you can find.

If you feel a migraine attack coming then grab your lavender oil. Place a single drop of pure, undiluted lavender oil on each temple or behind each ear. Also place 2 or 3 drops of undiluted lavender oil on the pillow you're going to rest on.

Combined with a quiet, dark room and the deep breathing technique the lavender oil provides that final "punch" in the natural treatments. The scent of the oil will relax you and simply inhaling lavender infused air helps to ease the pain of a migraine almost immediately.

Four Steps to Reduce Stress

Do you ever find that you have become stressed out by all the pressures of life and don't know what to do?
Have you ever wished that you could find a way to reduce stress? The good news is that you can reduce stress in your life. Follow the four steps below to reduce stress:

1. The first step to reduce stress is to consider the things that annoy you the most.

A good way of identifying your main stressors is to keep a diary for two weeks.
Each day keep a list of the things that caused you tension or anxiety. Make a note of how, when and where those situations occurred. Consider what things continue to regularly cause you stress.

To help you to get started making your list here are some to the things that experts consider are the main causes of stress in our lives:
  • Fears, anxieties and phobias cause emotional stress.
  • Making decisions such as choosing a mate or deciding on a career.
  • Environmental problems such as noise, pollution or being too hot or too cold.
  • Relationship problems such as having to speak in public or dating problems.
  • Important changes such as moving home, a new baby or a new job.
  • Family problems such as financial difficulties or coping with an unruly teenager.
  • Chemical abuse including tranquilizers, caffeine, alcohol and nicotine.
  • Challenges at work such as meeting deadlines or unpredictable work colleagues.
At the end of each day consider how you handled those stressors. Make a note of how you felt physically and emotionally, and think about whether your reaction improved the situation or made it worse. Consider what action you could have taken to improve situation and determine to take that action if a similar situation arises.

2. Meditate on positive things that happen each day

Take some time to look back over everything that you were grateful for today. This could include a delicious meal, an uplifting conversation with someone, a project that you've completed or anything that made you smile or laugh. Develop an attitude of gratitude - you'll feel much better.

3. Understand yourself better as a person.

Understanding yourself better as a person will help you to find and then eliminate the root causes of your problems. This will reduce stress and reduce mood swings resulting in a happier life.

4. Determine which things give you the most joy.

The beauty of your life is you choose who you want in it and what you want to do with it. To help you get started find a pen and sheet of paper and set aside some time, at least an hour, when you're likely to be undisturbed. Quieten your mind and meditate on the things that give you the most joy. Write down whatever comes into your mind and then go through your list and put them in an order of priority. Then do them. It could include visiting somewhere that you've always wanted to see or anything else that would bring you joy.
  • Forget what others want and expect of you.
  • Find your passion and purpose.
  • Stay true to yourself.

You can reduce stress in your life. Follow the four steps above and you will experience less stress and more fulfillment and happiness in your life. You will be able to remove the emotional problems that you are experiencing and that are stopping you from succeeding. You will find that life is no longer controlling you but you will be free to take control of your life.

The result is that you will feel happier and more fulfilled so what are you waiting for.

Characteristics of Low Carb Cookies

A lot of innovation is being done in the field of nutrition so as to create such food items which limit the intake of carbohydrates. This is done mainly to limit the amount of calories that we consume daily so that the body utilizes whatever is available in the form of stored fats. Thus, it is able to burn the excess fats inside the body and in turn, the individual who is consuming such foods is able to lose weight quickly. It is to be noted that such diet provides all the necessary nutrients to the body.

Low carb cookies have caught the attention of everyone around us. This is because low carb cookies have numerous advantages over food items having both high and low carbohydrate content. They have limited carbohydrate content which increases their preference over the food items having high carbohydrate content. While manufacturing the low carb cookies, the conventional ingredients like wheat, oil, sugar and butter are avoided.

Instead of the above specified items which have high fat and carbohydrate content, products like soy flour, almonds etc are used. In fact, soy products have a low fat and carbohydrate content. Besides this, they have highest protein content as compared to any other food item. Thus, they have become popular for other food items with low carbohydrate content. Such food items include muffins, breads and doughnuts which are readily available in the market.

Another advantage of such cookies is that these are high in fiber content. Fibers are needed by the body to absorb other nutrients such as vitamins and proteins. Thus, such cookies aid in their absorption and in turn, help the body to become healthy. Moreover, you can grab few cookies for any meal of the day. For example, if you are running late for office, you can munch some on your way. You can even eat these in lunch or dinner. Besides being healthier option, these are light weight too.

Carpal Tunnel - Why Does My Hand Curl at Night?

One of the unofficial symptoms of Carpal Tunnel is waking up at night due to increased pain and/or numbness in the hand....and from the fingers and wrist clenching and curling forward into a claw.

This not only annoys people, it can scare them. It's not really supposed to do that! Why does it do that?

The answer is pretty simple, but like all simple things it takes a little bit of explaining.

There is a process that leads up to the hand curling while you sleep at night. It goes like this.

1. Lots of use of the hand.

2. Muscles get tighter and tighter.

3. The nervous system sets those tight muscles as the new normal. So muscles get tighter and stay tight, progressively.

4.  A lot of other bad stuff happens under the skin that you don't notice. And continues to as time passes.

5.  The body fights off these negative factors until it starts to lose.

6. You start to feel ache, then pain.

7. You ignore it and avoid thinking about it as long as possible.

8. It -really- starts to hurt, and doesn't go away like it used to.

9. By now, your muscles are REALLY tight. Constantly. 

10. When you sleep at night, you think your muscles relax but they don't because tight is the new normal. It's kind of like you go to sleep at night holding up a 30 pound barbell.

Because your muscles are so tight, they are constantly pulling. Since you're asleep and not paying attention, the natural laws of physics take control, and the muscles on the palm side of your forearm (which are tighter than those on the opposite side) pull, pull, pull. 

The fingers and hand curl forward because the muscles are pulling them forward.

And they constantly pull, for hours maybe. And they get tired. And then they start to hurt. And the nervous system gets scared and does what it does best to protect you...tighten up muscles to guard you. The tightness becomes almost a spasm. Imagine holding up that 30 pound barbell for hours. You would get fatigued, then hurt. The same thing happens while you sleep.

And because the curl and muscle contraction can compress the median nerve, you get more numbness and pain.

The fingers and hand curling forward is not a neurological problem. It is not because of nerve damage. 

This is not something to be scared of. It is, however, a good clue that there is something that you need to start dealing with. And you might as well deal with it the RIGHT way.

If you are ready to Eliminate your Carpal Tunnel, get The Carpal Tunnel Treatment That Works.
